We support the Bangladesh clubfoot project. Donations accepted through the tin on the front counter.
The Global Clubfoot Initiative exists to support, resource and link those who are providing clubfoot treatment in low and middle income countries. Our vision is that the enormous burden of disability caused by untreated (or wrongly treated) clubfoot will be lifted as more and more people gain the skills to recognise and treat clubfoot effectively, primarily using the Ponseti method.80% of the 200,000 children born each year with clubfoot around the world are born in low and middle income countries. Many will never receive treatment and face the rest of their lives with a severe disability which causes pain, difficulty in walking and exclusion from society.But the world is changing for these children.
A revolution in treatment for clubfoot is taking place all over the world – more and more clinicians are being trained in and using the Ponseti method to treat them. For the majority of children treated, this means they can now walk, run and play with their friends. As they grow up their function will develop normally.